Thursday 22 March 2007



Hello and welcome to my blog.
I guess its not really suitable for Christians but what the hell.
So... During my Childhood I had no religion pushed upon me by my parents, they were both atheists and let me make my own mind up about Religion. This however seemed not to be the attitude of the school that I attended, even though it was not a Catholic school there was a strong Catholic feel. Obviously at such a young age I was impressionable and the idea of burning in Hell for all of eternity didnt seem all that appealing, so "on my own" I desided to become a Christian. A lazy Christian but one none the less. As the years went on the idea seem less worrying and I began to ignore the whole afterlife thing.
Since then I have always had a pre-programed sense of Religion and have considered it as a serious way of life a few times but nothing much came of it. Some people are comforted by the idea of an all seeing, all knowing being but I can live without.
After recently researching other Religions I have found that none are for me and that I am growing out of the ideas I learnt during childhood. The afterlife seems to me a really boring concept, even Heaven, and I am enjoying this life too much to worry about the next one. I hope that it concludes well and there are no surprises waiting for me beyond the grave!
Well thats my Religous history, wasnt it boring! Overall I feel that Religion is good for the individual but when you get a group of Religious people together bad things happen. (George w. Bush for President for example!)
Thanks for listening, sort of...!!!

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